About Quiet Time
Quiet Time is developed by Dr. Gerrit Kamp. You can contact me on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/gerritkamp.
You can follow Quiet Time at Twitter: twitter.com/quiettime_today
And you can like Quiet Time on Facebook: facebook.com/quiettime.today
Quiet Time is a set of tools to help Christians with their daily quiet time. The website, www.quiettime.today, is free, and free of advertising. I charge a nominal fee for mobile apps to help cover the hosting and development expenses.
At some point in my Christian life, I made the commitment to have a daily quiet time. I believe that doing so is the only way in which I can ensure I finish well. And I want all other Christians to finish well as well. Things brings glory to God, which is the purpose for which He made us.
Why did I include the tools that I did in Quiet Time? Because God suggested them ;-)